Clarification of Mississauga Tree Permit Bylaws

Many of our customers have expressed questions and concerns over the current tree permit situation in the City of Mississauga.  It has been reported that a change to the Mississauga tree permit bylaw is now in effect requiring a permit from the city to remove any trees greater than 29cm in diameter; much like the City of Toronto.  The reality is that there is a proposed change in front of Mississauga City council but it has yet to take effect.

Current City of Mississauga Tree Bylaws:

Currently you are allowed to remove up to four trees in one calendar year without having a permit.  This bylaw is still in effect.  The city has proposed to make it necessary to have a permit to take down any trees greater than 29cm in diameter.  This is currently the process in the City of Toronto.

Rooted Tree Services’ thoughts on the proposed bylaw:

At Rooted Tree Services we love trees! We also love having proper laws that adequately address our customers’ needs and weigh them against the cost of meeting those needs.  Permit programs for single trees have a track record of being very costly to taxpayers to introduce and manage.  The process is generally very lengthy and frustrating for the customer.  At Rooted Tree Services we strongly believe that this potential new bylaw would be a boondoggle for taxpayers without actually protecting the environment and our beautiful tree systems.

Rooted Tree Services offers FREE consultations on tree permits and bylaws in Mississauga, Toronto, Etobicoke and Oakville:

At Rooted Tree Services we are familiar with all of the local bylaws in Mississauga, Toronto, Etobicoke and Oakville and our qualified arborists can assess your situation and help you quickly navigate the process and provide any necessary arborist reports, including:

Tree Removals
Tree inventories
Tree assessments
Tree valuations
Tree preservation plans

Our service includes all the documents needed to apply for the compulsory permit(s) as per the specific requirements laid out in the bylaw. In fact, Rooted Tree Services will gladly take on the entire process for you! We will apply for your permit and navigate the city bureaucracy in an effort to ensure that your permits are granted.

Please, always get proper advice from a qualified arborist before removing a tree.



1-855-ROOTED-1 or 905-277-1787 or 416-766-8331


For more info on change in city bylaws visit: